Microsoft Office For Free!

July 30, 2020

Microsoft Office is available for Frede

Every student will have a HwB login from September

You will be able to download Microsoft Office 365 from

Rhyl High School News

By rhsdir June 27, 2023
Ysgol Rhyl High School's Criw Cymraeg organised and ran multiple competitions during St David's Day and the school's Eisteddfod for St David's Hospice. Y Criw Cymraeg held a Bake Off and ran a cake sale during break and lunch raising £97.56. This week, they met with Mr Adrian Owen from the charity to present the cheque and to receive a certificate. Miss Henderson, Head of Bilingualism and Deputy Head of Welsh, said "The Criw Cymraeg did a fantastic job and worked really hard. They are excellent Welsh Language Ambassadors. We are very proud of them and are amazed at the amount raised. We would like to thank everyone who kindly donated and participated."  At Rhyl High, we look forward to seeing the good work Y Criw Cymraeg will do in the future. Pictured: L-R Nihan Kurklu, Addison Whittaker, Maisie Leonard, Keeva Williams, Miss Henderson Head of Bilingualism and Deputy Head of Welsh at RHS, Seren Timson, Zara Monks, Joshua Pritchard and Mr Adrian Owen from St David's Hospice.
By rhsdir June 27, 2023
Years 7, 8 and 9 have been designing and creating their own products in the textiles room this term! Mrs Devoreux-Williams is very happy with how the pupils have embraced sewing skills and shared their creative ideas. It is looking really positive for future GCSE technology classes.
May 20, 2022
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