Uniform Recycling Scheme - click for details
Grants are available from Denbighshire County Council, for parents who fulfil the criteria.
Electronic Equipment
Ideally students should not bring personal electronic equipment (e.g. mobile telephones, media players, computer equipment) to school.
Where students do choose to bring these to school we will:
(a) Assume they have parental permission and
(b) Ask them to keep all equipment ‘OFF & OUT OF SIGHT’ during all lessons.
The school will not accept any liability for loss or damage to such equipment, however caused.
A watch, plain rings (maximum of 2) and one pair of ear studs may be worn.
No facial jewellery or body piercing is to be worn.
Dress Code and Personal Presentation
Following a Uniform Consultation in the Autumn Term of 2023/24, from September 2024, the school blazer will no longer be a compulsory item.
Pupils will have the option of choosing to wear either the school blazer or the current school jumper.
Following a pupil and parent consultation, the following additions will be made to our current uniform policy for the Summer Term only from Summer 2019.
The consultations with our full student body and parents have overwhelmingly supported this addition.
Therefore, from the Summer Term 2019, pupils can choose to wear shorts instead of trousers and summer dresses instead of skirts during the warmer months.
This would be optional and not compulsory.
Shorts to be dark grey and made of trouser material. Summer dresses to be knee length and chequered purple and white.