GCSEPod is an online resource that the school have invested in, it is designed to assist with revision of pupils in both years 10 and 11. 

A POD is an online video that a pupil can watch, on this website the videos are about key areas of each subject that will help them with their revision. The great thing about these PODs is that they are all concise and straight to the point, each one lasing approximately 5 minutes long. The videos use images and keywords to try and help pupils to remember the information, which is something that I think is very useful.


GCSEPod is a fantastic resource that covers all of the materials that can come up in the exams of most of your subjects. It is tailored to the exam board so you can guarantee that the information that you are revising is 100% relevant to your exam. The system is very popular and has now been adopted by a large number of schools for use as part of their revision programs. 

A study has been done that suggest that viewing between 50-100 pods can help to raise your level of progression. This could make all the difference if you are on that C/D borderline to helping you achieve success. It is also useful for pupils who want to stretch themselves further, for example if you are currently working at a B-Grade the use of this system could help develop your understanding to A-Grade. 

At Rhyl High School we are very confident that system can help to raise the attainment of pupils studying towards their exams, but, we understand that pupils learn in a wide range of ways and that this system may not be suited to every pupil, but you won’t know unless you login and give it a go. 

If you have any questions about GCSEPod please give the school a call and ask to speak to Mr Lay, I will get back to you as soon as possible to address your questions. 

To download the GCSE POD Guide click HERE
To download the GCSE POD letter to parents click HERE
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