Department Staff
Welcome to the History Department. There are four members of staff who teach History:
- Miss Andrea Osborn – Head of Department, KS3 and KS4
- Mr Dave Jennings – Senior Teacher, KS3 History
- Mrs Sarah Roberts – Head of Faculty, KS3 History
- Mr Ben Dennis – History KS3 and KS4
About the Department:
The aim of the History Department at Rhyl High School is to provide pupils with the opportunity to delve into the past – looking at the significant people and events of the last 1000 years throughout Wales, Britain and the World. We aim to provide an interesting and diverse curriculum that supports and challenges our pupils, helping them to successfully develop their historical knowledge and skills – essential skills for their future paths.
Basic Curriculum Structure:
Key Stage 3:
During Year 7 pupils will be focusing on Medieval History. They start by exploring the build up to the famous battles of 1066, before finding out what happened, when and why. Next, pupils will research what life was like in Medieval time – what did people do? How were criminals punished? How did people have fun in the middle ages? Finally, pupils will have an opportunity to understand the development of castles and investigate some of the best examples of medieval castles that are right here in Wales and the knights who used them.
Topics from 1485-1900 will be covered in Year 8. Topics covered will include The Tudors and their religious rollercoaster and the defeat of the Spanish Armada; Cavaliers and Roundheads at The Battle of Naseby; and finally pupils will be investigating Slavery and deciding whether Wales should apologise for its role in the Slave trade
In year 9, pupils will focus their studies on modern history. Twentieth Century Warfare is a topic that will look at a variety of events and issues such as – trench warfare, were the lions really led by donkeys, how did Hitler gain control of Germany and how important were ‘the few’ during WW2. The final term will allow pupils to choose their own topics to investigate through their enquiry projects.
Key Stage 4:
History: WJEC New Specification (from 2017)
The GCSE course includes:
1. Depression, War and Recovery: The coming of the Depression; Life during the Depression; The coming of war: Life during wartime; Keeping up morale; Life after war; Rebuilding the country after 1945.
25% of qualification
1-hour examination at the end of year 11.
2. Germany in Transition 1919-39: Impact of the First World War; Recovery of Weimar; End of the Weimar Republic; Consolidation of power; Nazi economic, social and racial policy; Terror and persuasion; Hitler’s foreign policy
25% of qualification
1-hour examination at the end of year 10.
3. The Development of Warfare: Causes of war; Changes in tactics and strategy; Training and recruitment; Changes in technology; Development of naval warfare; The role of women in war.
30% of qualification
1-hour 15 minutes examination at the end of year 11.
4. Working as an historian: Non-examined assessment involving 2 tasks, one which focuses on source evaluation and the other focusing on different historical interpretations. The topics associated with this section of work change each year.
20% of qualification
Exam Boards used:
History – WJEC New Specification
Exam Board Links: