Modern Foreign Languages

Department Staff 

Miss Lucy Douglas - Head of MFL Department: Head of MFL Department: Teacher of KS3 & 4 French, Spanish, Italian and Welsh.

Miss N De Riso - Teacher of KS3 Spanish & French and KS4 Spanish. 

About the Department
The Department strives to ensure that all students develop skills in MFL which will help them gain future employment and be able to travel and live in Francophone or Hispanic countries across the world. In addition, the acquisition of French, Spanish and Italian MFL skills will enable to pupils to access other MFL.

In 2018-2019 students study

· Year 7: French, Spanish and Italian

· Year 8: French and Spanish 

 And can opt for either French or Spanish in Key Stage 4 (from Year 9).

There is a heavy focus on skills, including oral, listening, reading and writing skills as well as thinking skills, literacy, numeracy and key skills, at both Key Stages.

Curriculum Structure
Key Stage 3 

We follow the MFL National Curriculum with an emphasis on the recommendations by the Donaldson report. In the Academic Year 2018-19 the topics that each Year will cover are as follows: 

Year 7 French, Spanish, Italian – French, Spanish & Italian culture and basics eg cognates, days & months, numbers, alphabet, Tongue twisters, Myself, Pets, Family, Housing, Celebrations.
Year 8 French & Spanish – Free times and telling the time, Town & Region, TV & Cinema, School. Food & Drink, Café. Holidays.
All Key Stage 3 Students complete at least 1 Assessment Test in each skill of oracy (Listening & Speaking), reading and writing during the Academic Year.

KS3 Homework focuses on Duolingo free app which improves listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking skills. Year 7 and 8 pupils are taught in Teaching Groups.

Key Stage 4
MFL is an option subject at KS4. Pupils can opt to continue with one of the 2 languages they studied at year 8 eg French or Spanish and can study them at GCSE level or an equivalent qualification Global Business Communication (GBC)

GCSE is ENTIRELY end of course based.

GBC is 3 units of coursework and 1 end of Year 11 exam.

Pupils are still expected to use Duolingo to develop their language skills.

Examination Series
Year 9 - Summer 2021
Year 10 - Summer 2020
Year 11 - Summer 2019

Exam Boards

Controlled Assessment
Year 9, 10, 11 GBC French or Spanish - 

On-going task completion in lesson time.
Year 10 – Units 1 & 3
Year 11 – Units 3 (continued) and 4

Recent News
We are proud that we have achieved recent excellent results at both KS3, GCSE and NVQ level

 - KS3: 93% Level 5, 57% Level 6, 10% Level 7
- 100% A-C in GCSE French with 1 A*, 1 B and 4 C in Summer 2018
- 11 pupils Level 2 NVQ French Full award, 2 pupils Part Pass
- 9 pupils Level 2 NVQ Spanish Full Award; 3 pupils Part Pass

Key Stage 3 Languages Homework
5 mins or more a day on Duolingo! Play on mobile, tablet, or desktop!! Get your family involved!!

Ask your We Communicate (French or Welsh) teachers for your classroom code. Log on and get playing! Earn, double and triple "lingots"

Win a Praise Postcard for making the most progress every month!

Key Stage 4 Languages Homework
Supplement your GCSE or GBC course - spend at least 10 mins a day! Play on mobile, tablet, or desktop!! Get your family involved!!

Ask your French, Spanish or Welsh teachers for your classroom code. Log on and get playing! Earn, double and triple "lingots"!

Win a Praise Postcard for making the most progress every month!

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