Religious Education
Department Staff
Mrs Sarah Roberts – Head of Humanities Faculty and Subject Lead RE.
Mr Ian Evans – Lead Practitioner for RE and Teacher of RE
Mr Clive Jones - Teacher of RE and Geography.
About the Department
‘’Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’’
Nelson Mandela.
Religious Education is a compulsory subject here at Rhyl High School and all students receive one lesson a week, taught by specialist members of the Humanities Faculty. We aim for pupils to adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the study of religion at each Key Stage. We show pupils the important role religion plays in yesterdays and today’s world, whilst at the same time giving students the opportunity to reflect on their own values and beliefs.
‘’When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.’’ ~ Dalai Lama
Religious education makes a major contribution to the education of children and young people. It is a subject which is both intellectually challenging and enriching. Religious education helps pupils to develop both morally and spiritually. More importantly it helps pupils to learn about diversity so they can understand the place of religion and belief in the modern world. Religious education helps to foster a lasting curiosity about the society they live in which extends beyond the chronological limitations of school. It promotes the merits of respect and empathy, essential qualities which enable our pupils to become active citizens within the community.
It is through engaging lessons, ensuring that our lessons offer appropriate challenge and pace that we hope to motivate all pupils intrinsically. As enthusiastic teachers of Religious Education we hope to inspire pupils to create lifelong learners. Through our lessons we offer opportunities to develop skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT thus creating analytical and logical thinkers who have an awareness of other societies and cultures. Through the subject of Religious Education, we ensure our pupils gain skills for life.
Basic Curriculum Structure:
Key stage 3 have one lesson a week of Beliefs and Ethics.
Year 7 Program of study.
• Rites of Passage.
• Judaism.
• Life of Jesus.
• Sacred Places.
• Ancient Religion.
Year 8 Program of study.
• Life of Buddha.
• Rules for living – Dharma.
• Religion in Wales.
• Prejudice and Discrimination.
• Inspirational Lives.
Year 9 Program of study.
• Religion and the Environment.
• Religion and Animals.
• War and religion.
• Crime and Punishment.
• Impact of religious belief.
Key stage 4 follow WJEC specification B Short Course.
Year 10 Program of Study.
• Religion and Conflict.
• Religion and Medicine.
Year 11 Program of Study.
• Religious Expression.
• Authority – Religion and State.
Curriculum Support
The school homework club is available every day before/after school in a computer room to enable pupils to have support with their homework. Catch-up sessions for pupils who have missed work or want to get help on a topic if they are having any problems can be arranged with class teachers at lunch/after school.
GCSE revision sessions are also arranged for Yr 11 pupils throughout the year after school. (Please ask the class teacher for further details of these sessions.) In addition, exam workshops are also held after school on a Wednesday.
Exam Boards used:
Year 10 and 11 follow WJEC Specification B, Unit 2.
Examination Series:
Yr11 – Summer 2017
Yr10 – Summer 2018
Exam Board Links: