Department Staff
Welcome to the Science Department.
Mrs E. Jones - Head of Department
Mr D.G. Mayhead - 2nd in Department
Mrs A. Dennis
Miss T. Howes
Mr D Disley
Miss T Haycocks
Miss B. Baxter – Laboratory technician
About the Department:
Aims of the Science Department
Our collective aim is to engage, stimulate and excite students’ curiosity about Science. It is ensured every student is tailored for with differentiated lessons planning for all students including our More Able and Talented and Additional Needs students.
The aims of the Science Team are to provide opportunities for all students to:
• Explore the nature of our environment through skills, observation, experiment and systematic enquiry.
• Tackle problems 'Scientifically' in developing the ability to design and carry out experiments and evaluate investigations based on their own results.
• Study key concepts and principles of Science, essential to an understanding of Science, as on viewpoint of our world and the universe.
• Study those aspects of science essential to an understanding of oneself, and of one's personal well being.
• Study the interaction between science, technology and society so that they are better able to participate in a democratic society.
• Appreciate that science and technology are expressions of the desire of humans to understand and control their environment for the enhancement of their continued existence. Developments in scientific knowledge can introduce and influence change for individuals and for society.
• Discuss, reflect upon and evaluate their own understanding of scientific concepts, theories and generalisations.
• Realise that boundaries exist to our knowledge and understanding of Science yet appreciates that these are not fixed. Appreciate the historical development and cultural significance of scientific principles and theories.
• Appreciate that past scientific explanations were valid in their own time and that ours may be surpassed in the future.
• To be aware and understand the links with Science in Wales.
Basic Curriculum Structure:
Subject Overview
Year 7 pupils are taught by one member of the department who will deliver all the disciplines (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) during the year. Learners follow 7 modules; 2 Biology (Life processes and Independence of living things), 2 Chemistry (Forensic Science and Rocks), 2 Physics (Waves and Magnets) and 1 Being Scientific module.
Year 8 pupils are taught by three different teachers during the academic year; 1 delivering Biology another delivers Chemistry and another delivering Physics. Learners follow 6 modules; 2 Biology; (‘Diet’ and ‘Health’), 2 Chemistry (‘Everything is made up of particles’ and ‘Materials and their properties’), 2 Physics (‘Forces and moments’ and ‘Saving energy’).
Year 9 pupils are taught by three different teachers during the academic year; 1 delivering Biology another delivers Chemistry and another delivering Physics. Learners follow 7 modules; 3 Biology; (‘Plants’, ‘Microbes and disease’ and ‘Skeleton’), 2 Chemistry (‘Metals, properties, reactions and the reactivity series and ‘Elements and Compounds’), 2 Physics (‘Electricity’ and ‘Heat transfer’).
During the year KS3 learners will complete:
• Three levelled assessments
• Three levelled homework’s
• Three formal tests to assess learning
These compliment the routine Assessment for learning that happens routinely.
Current Year 11 are following either the BTEC or GCSE route:
• The vocational BTEC route. During Year 10 they followed the Edexcel BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Principles of Applied Science course and in Year 11 are completing the Edexcel BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Applied Science.
Assessment is through external examinations and coursework.
• Those completing the WJEC GCSE course have in Year 10 followed the WJEC GCSE Science and in Year 11 are completing the WJEC GCSE Additional Science.
Assessment is through external examinations and coursework.
Current Year 10 learners are all following the new WJEC course. Learners are working towards a WJEC GCSE in Science - Double Award.
Assessment is through external examinations and coursework.
Curriculum Support
The school homework club is available every day after school in a computer room to enable pupils to have support with their Science homework. Catch-up sessions for pupils who have missed work or wish for further support with their learning within Science can be arranged with class teachers to be completed at lunch or after school.
GCSE revision sessions are also arranged for Yr 10/ 11 pupils throughout the year after school. (Please ask the class teacher for further details of these sessions.)
Learners can access Past Papers, Mark schemes and Revision tools through ‘Moodle’. This is located within the Science kS4 section.
Other recommended websites for enrichment/revision are:
Homework website and tutorials; pupils subscription paid for by Science.
Pupils have subscription paid for by Science.
Exam Board Links: